Medical Image Segmentation

COMP SCI 766 Final Report

-Madhav Kanbur

-Vikram Shetty

1. Outline

Image segmentation is the process of assigning a label to every pixel in an image such that pixels with the same label share certain characteristics. The goal of segmentation is to simplify and/or change the representation of an image into something that is more meaningful and easier to analyze.[1][2] Medical image segmentation is the task of segmenting objects of interest in a medical image such as tumors, polyps, and other abnormalities.


The manual pixel-wise annotation of medical image data is very time-consuming, requires collaborations with experienced medical experts, and is costly. During the annotation of the regions in medical images (for example, polyps in still frames), the guidelines and protocols are set based on which expert performs the annotations. However, there might exist discrepancies among the experts, e.g., while considering a particular area in the lesion as cancerous or non-cancerous. Additionally, the lack of standard annotation protocols for various imaging modalities and low image quality can influence annotation quality. Other factors such as the annotator's attentiveness, type of display device, image-annotation software and data misinterpretation due to lightning conditions can also affect the quality of annotations [9].


An alternative solution to manual image segmentation is an automated computer aided segmentation based diagnosis-assisting system that can provide a faster, more accurate, and more reliable solution to transform clinical procedures and improve patient care. Computer aided diagnosis will reduce the expert's burden and also reduce the overall treatment cost.


2. Motivation

One of the key benefits of medical image segmentation is that it allows for a more precise analysis of anatomical data by isolating only necessary areas. Semantic segmentation results can help identify regions of interest for lesion assessment, such as polyps in the colon, to inspect if they are cancerous and remove them if necessary. Thus, the segmentation results can help detect missed lesions, prevent diseases, and improve therapy planning and treatment.

We did learn about very simplistic pixel segmentation methods in the course. We've also had a few abstract discussions about this problem statement in class. A few discussions and readings of research papers led to us selecting this as a topic for our course project.


3. Background

Given an input image I, each pixel p(x, y) ∈ I must be assigned a label l from a set of labels L based on some criteria. Figure 1 shows an example of Binary segmentation on a colonoscopy image where the label set L = {0, 1}. The label 1 represents pixels containing polyp growth and 0 indicates the absence of polyps in that pixel.


Fig 1 - Medical image with polyps (left) and its segmented mask (right)[3]


There are several techniques for segmenting images such as  - Threshold Based Segmentation, Edge Based Segmentation, Region-Based Segmentation, Clustering Based Segmentation and Artificial Neural Network Based Segmentation. In this project, we will keep our focus on two State-of-the-art CNN (Convolutional Neural Network) techniques to segment medical images : DoubleU-Net and MSRF-Net.


4. Methods

4.1 The Double U-Net

4.1.1 Background

Encoder-Decoder based approaches like U-Net [3] and its variants are a popular strategy for solving medical image segmentation tasks. The U-Net architecture consists of two parts, namely, the analysis and synthesis path. In the analysis path, deep feature maps are learned, and in the synthesis path, segmentation is performed based on the learned features. Additionally, U-Net uses skip-connection operations. The skip connection allows propagating dense feature maps from the analysis path to the corresponding layers in the synthesis part. In this way, the spatial information is applied to the deeper layer, which significantly produces a more accurate output segmentation map.

4.1.2 Double U-Net Architecture

DoubleU-Net (Debesh Jha et al., 2020) [4] is a novel architecture that takes inspiration from U-Net. It uses two U-Net architectures in sequence, with two encoders and two decoders. The first encoder used in the network is  a pre-trained VGG-19 [5], which is trained on ImageNet [6]. Additionally, it uses Atrous Spatial Pyramid Pooling (ASPP) [7] which is a semantic segmentation module for resampling a given feature layer at multiple rates prior to convolution. This amounts to probing the original image with multiple filters that have complementary effective fields of view, thus capturing objects as well as useful image context at multiple scales. Rather than resampling features, the mapping is implemented using multiple parallel atrous convolutional layers with different sampling rates.


Fig 2 - Atrous Spatial Pyramid Pooling (ASPP)



Figure 3 shows an overview of the DoubleU-Net architecture.  As seen from the figure, DoubleU-Net starts with a VGG-19 as an encoder sub-network, which is followed by a decoder sub-network. What distinguishes DoubleU-Net from U-Net in the first network (NETWORK 1) is the use of VGG-19 marked in yellow, ASPP marked in blue, and decoder block marked in light green. The squeeze-and-excite block [8] used in the encoder of NETWORK 1 and decoder blocks of NETWORK 1 and NETWORK 2 is responsible for reducing redundant information and passing the most relevant information to subsequent stages. An element-wise multiplication is then performed between the output of NETWORK 1 with the input of the same network. This product is then used as the input for NETWORK 2 which produces our final predicted mask (Output2). The difference between DoubleU-Net and U-Net in the second network (NETWORK 2) is only the use of ASPP and squeeze-and-excite block. All other components remain the same.


Fig 3 -  Block diagram of the DoubleU-Net architecture

The idea behind having two U-Net architectures in series is that the output mask produced by NETWORK 1 (Output1) can be further improved by multiplying it with the input and passing it through NETWORK 2 to obtain our final predicted mask (Output2).


4.2 MSRF-Net

4.2.1 Why Multi Scale Fusion?

Multi Scale Fusion employs a mixture-of-feature maps paradigm, wherein feature maps of multiple scales are fused together/exchanged. The authors posit that this allows the preservation of resolution, improved information flow and propagation of both high- and low-level features to obtain spatially accurate segmentation maps.

The multi-scale information exchange in the network proposed by [9] preserves both high- and low-resolution feature representations, thereby producing finer, richer and spatially accurate segmentation maps. The repeated multi-scale fusion helps in enhancing the high-resolution feature representations with the information propagated by low-resolution representations.

4.2.2 MSRF-Net Architecture

MSRF-Net [9] is a novel architecture specifically designed for segmenting medical objects of variable size trained on small biased datasets (commonly seen in cases of medical datasets). MSRF-Net maintains high-resolution representation throughout its pipeline, which is conducive to potentially achieving high spatial accuracy. It utilizes a novel Dual-Scale Dense Fusion (DSDF) block that performs dual scale feature exchange and a sub-network that exchanges multi-scale features using the DSDF block.


Fig 4 - DSDF Block

The DSDF block takes two different scale inputs and employs a residual dense block that exchanges information across different scales after each convolutional layer in their corresponding dense blocks. The densely connected nature of DSDF blocks allows relevant high and low-level features to be preserved for the final segmentation map prediction.

Fig 5 - Multi-Scale Residual Fusion (MSRF) Subnetwork


The multi-scale information exchange (dotted red box in Fig 5) preserves both - high and low resolution feature representations, thereby producing finer, richer and spatially accurate segmentation maps. The repeated multi-scale fusion helps in enhancing the high-resolution feature representations with the information propagated by low-resolution representations. Further, layers of residual networks allow redundant DSDF blocks to die out, and only the most relevant extracted features contribute to the predicted segmentation maps.

MSRF-Net also uses a complimentary gated shape stream that can leverage the combination of high and low-level features to compute shape boundaries accurately.

 Figure 6 represents the MSRF-Net that consists of an encoder block, the MSRF sub-network, a shape stream block, and a decoder block. The encoder block consists of squeeze and excitation modules, and the MSRF sub-network is used to process low-level feature maps extracted at each resolution scale of the encoder. The MSRF sub-network incorporates several DSDF blocks. A gated shape stream is applied after the MSRF sub-network, and decoders consisting of triple attention blocks are used in the proposed architecture. A triple attention block has the advantage of using spatial and channel-wise attention along with spatially gated attention, where irrelevant features from the MSRF sub-network are pruned.

Fig 6 - MSRF-Net Architecture


5. Implementation Details

We implemented both models in PyTorch v1.11.0.

Hardware - NVIDIA Tesla V100-SXM2-32G (Euler Cluster)

Dataset - CVC-ClinicDB [10]

Data Augmentations - Center Crop, Crop, Random Rotate 90, Grid Distortion


-        Batch Size = 16

-        Epochs = 120

-        Optimizer = Nadam

-        Learning Rate = 1e-4

-        Loss Function = Dice Loss


Fig 7 - Decline in Loss during DoubleU-Net training



-        Batch Size = 8

-        Epochs = 120

-        Optimizer = Adam

-        Learning Rate = 1e-4

-        Loss Function = LCE1 + LCE2 + LCE3 + LBCE (Canny)


LCEi = Dice Loss + Cross Entropy Loss b/w Prediction Mask i and Ground Truth

LBCE_Canny = Binary Cross Entropy Loss b/w ShapeStream's Prediction and Canny Edge Mask of input

Fig 8 - Decline in Loss during MSRF-Net training


6. Results





Dice Loss













Table 1 - Metrics for the CVC-ClinicDB Dataset

Following are some of the results we observed with both our architectures. Please note that starting from the top left and moving clockwise, we have the input, ground truth mask, mask prediction by MSRF Net & finally mask prediction by Double U-Net for Figures 9-14.


Fig 9 Results


Fig 10 Results

Fig 11 Results

Fig 12 Results

Fig 13 Results

Fig 14 Results


In all of these results, we can see that while we have really good predictions for Double U-Net as well, the predictions made by MSRF-Net seem less noisier and more accurate towards the boundaries.

We suspect this is the case because the MSRF-Net explicitly takes a Canny Edge Map as input in conjunction with the medical image and predicts an edge map for the mask via its Shape Stream Module. It then optimizes this prediction using the ground truth edge map, which results in crisper & smoother mask boundaries, finally predicted by the decoders.

7. Challenges Faced

-        Very long training time for both models (~15 hours), even on Euler Clusters.

-        Couldn't test performance on other datasets because of time constraints.

-        Discrepancies between model as described in the paper vs author's implementation on GitHub.

-        Losses started stagnating for both models well before the final epoch. We kept saving models after every 5 epochs, and tested on the validation set starting from the model with the lowest loss & made sure the validation loss wasn't too low either and that we didn't overfit.

8. Future Work

-        Compare metrics on other medical datasets like MICCAI 2015 (Colonoscopy), Kvasir SEG (Colonoscopy) etc.

-        Search for a better loss function. Some alternatives would be the Focal Loss or Unified Focal Loss or a combination of such loss functions along with the Dice Loss for class imbalanced situations, which are commonly seen in the medical imaging community.

9. References

1.     Linda G. Shapiro and George C. Stockman (2001): "Computer Vision", pp 279-325, New Jersey, Prentice-Hall, ISBN 0-13-030796-3


2.     Barghout, Lauren, and Lawrence W. Lee. "Perceptual information processing system." Paravue Inc. U.S. Patent Application 10/618,543, filed July 11, 2003.

3.     O. Ronneberger, P. Fischer, and T. Brox, "U-net: Convolutional networks for biomedical image segmentation," in Proceedings of International Conference on Medical image computing and computer-assisted intervention (MICCAI), 2015, pp. 234-241.

4.      Jha, Debesh, et al. "DoubleU-Net: A Deep Convolutional Neural Network for Medical Image Segmentation." 2020 IEEE 33rd International Symposium on Computer-Based Medical Systems (CBMS), IEEE, 2020, pp. 558-64.

5.     K. Simonyan and A. Zisserman, "Very deep convolutional networks for large-scale image recognition," arXiv preprint arXiv:1409.1556, 2014.

6.      J. Deng, W. Dong, R. Socher, L.-J. Li, K. Li, and L. Fei-Fei, "Imagenet: A large-scale hierarchical image database," in IEEE conference on computer vision and pattern recognition (CVPR), 2009, pp. 248-255.

7.      L.-C. Chen, G. Papandreou, F. Schroff, and H. Adam, "Rethinking atrous convolution for semantic image segmentation," arXiv preprint arXiv:1706.05587, 2017.

8.     J. Hu, L. Shen, and G. Sun, "Squeeze-and-excitation networks," in Proceedings of computer vision and pattern recognition (CVPR), 2018, pp. 7132-7141.

9.     Srivastava, Abhishek, et al. "MSRF-Net: A Multi-Scale Residual Fusion Network for Biomedical Image Segmentation." IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics, 2021, pp. 1-1.

10.  CVC-ClinicDB -